
Our collection process starts with a thirty-day notice to verify debt. If we have correct contact information then our collection staff begins calling the debtors on day thirty-one and we work toward a payment arrangement plan. If our contact information is incorrect, we use our large databases to find the same street, same last name, or same telephone numbers, and to research for all asset information. When we make contact and are unable to come to an agreement with the debtor to pay the bill, we then contact you and request permission to follow through with legal procedures, but only if the account fits your protocol. We feel that working with the debtor achieves the best results. Bringing about a lawsuit is always our last resort.

Ease to our clients

We realize that your time is valuable, so with Feuchtenberger & Barringer Legal Corporation you will not have to worry about lengthy forms. In order to turn an account over to us for collections we simply need the maker’s demographics (name, address, social security number, date of last payment or service, etc.) and a final balance.

Contact Us
Feuchtenberger & Barringer Legal Corporation
335 New Hope Road
Princeton, WV 24740